A textured black wall has a message painted on it that says: "Dream Big."
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Leadership Excellence
January 15, 2022

"Be Realistic" is Bad Career Advice

Using your imagination and making conscious choices to see past reality is how you create amazing professional opportunities in life.

Let me offer two critical thoughts about your dreams and reality.

First, surround yourself with supporters.

It's crucial to distance yourself from those who attempt to manage your expectations. Often, these individuals have let go of their dreams long ago, and seeing you chase yours can trigger envy and disappointment.

Instead, seek out people who wholeheartedly support your goals and aspirations. When others doubt your abilities, remember it's not about you but their fears and limitations. Your pursuit of something they never dared to try can stir feelings of frustration and resentment within them. This is their problem, not yours."

Photo by Yan Krukau: pexels.com

Second, balance realism with imagination.

Being overly fixated on reality can stifle your dreams before they take flight.

While reality has its place, giving it too much attention can confine you within its boundaries. True innovation and change stem from the realms of imagination. You can achieve amazing things in life by using your imagination to go beyond what's usual or expected.

People often cling to realism out of fear, whether it's the fear of failure or the fear of change. However, the only thing we should truly fear is sameness. Once growth, expansion, and evolution cease, a part of us withers away.

Make conscious choices and actively shape your reality.

If your current circumstances aren't to your liking, choose to create something different. Don't be afraid to change from the norm.

Embrace a touch of unreasonableness. Others might label you a dreamer or even irresponsible, but that's a small price to pay for fulfilling your ambitions. It's far better to be all those things and more than to wonder what could have been.

Remember, life is meant to unfold for you, not against you.

Avoid falling into the reality trap.

Life is too short to be confined by the limitations of what's considered 'realistic.'

Challenge the status quo, imagine the impossible, and passionately pursue your dreams.

Be the master of your destiny rather than allowing life to drag you along.

Embrace the extraordinary.

"After all, isn't it better to be seen as crazy, irresponsible, or a dreamer than to live with regret and wonder about missed opportunities?"

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