Bill Dwyer while talking with his father at a party 15 years ago.
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Coach's Corner
November 9, 2021

Modern-Day Hero

Honoring the legacy of my wonderful Dad through the coaching work I am doing.

When I think of a true modern-day hero, I think of my Dad.

This photo, taken almost 15 years ago, sits on my work desk. I look at this each day to remind me of the responsibility I honor to keep his spirit alive and ensure his legacy lives on.

He wasn't a teacher by profession, yet he taught me so many valuable lessons about the importance of being kind, compassionate, sweet, loving, and humble. 

He wasn't a coach, yet his example of humility, empathy, and gratitude provided the inspiration for helping me lead others in the most authentic, vulnerable, and passionate way I am able.

He didn't possess any supernatural abilities, yet I believe he had special powers to improve our great world in some small way. 

Because of him, I am comfortable enough in my own skin to show up each day as a sensitive and responsible man, and coach to empower and inspire meaningful changes in peoples' careers.

I'm not looking to be anyone's modern-day hero. Simply honoring his legacy through the work I am doing is good enough for me.

I like to think his spirit lives in me and through me.

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